Saturday, December 5, 2009

Seated himself beside Lantano who at once started up the engine; the flapple rose into the gloom leaving the hot-spot of Cheyenne behind and the half-completed.

Puzzled. The station was without life. There was no Bovreck no Ymkzex nor any trace of them. He stood in the passageway of windowless unlighted Laboratory Five staring down at the three human bodies disclosed by his headlamp talking to himself. "Three bodies in the pilothouse two more inside the open air lock. Eight corpses with no signs of wounds but certainly death by some kind of violence. ..
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Intestines carefully scraped and dried that lined the little craft's hold. Now he knew. Having been inflated in turn they'd given the boat sufficient lifting power to rise like a balloon from the lower river right up to the surface of its twin. Now it bobbed uncertainly as Bribbens rushed to open the valves sealing each inflated stomach before they could lift the ship from its second surface to the ceiling of the cavern. Water ran off the decks and out the seacocks. Mudge pumped furiously to purge the remaining water from the hold. Dry and dressed the passengers were soon traveling once more eastward. The scenery had improved greatly. Jon-Tom 105 Alan Dean Foster hoped the cavern would not shrink around them and force them again down to the dull surface of the understream. He needn't have worried. Instead of compacting the cav- ern grew larger. It seemed endless stretching vast.
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